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感謝我們的社區領導與我們一起發聲,反對針對華裔的攻擊 / Anti-Asian Racism

Last week, our supporters found homemade posters taped to businesses along Clement St, which showed my and Sandra Lee Fewer’s faces photoshopped onto Maoist Chinese communist propaganda. This is just the latest in anti-Chinese racism we’ve experienced.

Alan Wong was campaigning several weeks ago with his father at the Alemany Farmers Market when they were harassed and called Chinese communists. This altercation is in addition to regular anti-Chinese responses to his posts on social media.

These attacks not only harm individual candidates, but also the entire Chinese community because it ignites anti-Chinese racism and xenophobia that is fueled by the anti-Chinese rhetoric being spread by President Trump.

This morning, I stood with SF City College Board candidate Alan Wong, former Supervisor Jane Kim, Supervisors Sandra Lee Fewer and Aaron Peskin, Rose Pak Democratic Club, and Chinese supporters outside of New May Wah Supermarket on Clement Street to call for unity against anti-Chinese racism. We’re counting on everybody to make it clear that this behavior is unacceptable.

感謝我們的社區領導與我們一起發聲,反對針對華裔的攻擊。感謝白蘭民主黨協會,感謝Jeremy Lee在新聞發表會上發言:我們不單要宏觀了解這類針對性的攻擊,微觀認識發佈這些信息背後的動機也相當重要。他們是害怕我們華裔社區的力量。候選人陳詩敏(Connie Chan)和王兆倫(Alan Wong)將為我們華人社區服務,幫助新移民,支持低收入人群,並努力創建一個更加公平正義的三藩市。對付這類針對性的行為,我們最好的回應是團結一致,一起努力讓我們的社區更團結,更強大。我們一起創建一個更加堅韌的社區對應種族歧視。

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Connie Chan


Paid for by Connie Chan for Supervisor 2024.

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